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What's new in the helium Network Explorer?

The new Explorer puts coverage front and center. The coverage map is now visible on all pages, from Latest Hotspots, Beacons, and Validator locations. We also bring over the concept of Hexagons (introduced in the Helium app earlier this year). Learn more about how the Helium Network visualizes coverage here.

What is the helium coverage map?

The goal for this roadmap is to get the Helium coverage map to a state where it offers a full understanding of the ubiquitious LoRaWAN and 5G networks and can be adapted for future protocols. In pursuit of this goal, there are several high-level objectives that are broken out into their tactical subparts.

What is a helium hotspot?

The network is powered by the Helium hotspot, owners of the hotspot can connect their hotspots to a network of other Helium hotspots to provide network coverage for millions of Internet of Things devices in your city.

What is the helium network and how does it work?

The paradigm shift in Helium’s tech is a blockchain-based network that allows anyone to set up a Hotspot and expand the Helium Network. Hotspot owners don’t have to mess with GPUs in order to mine the Helium Network. Instead, they can purchase a simple device for their home or office and earn a new cryptocurrency: HNT.

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